The Birmingham News on The Flagstone Initiative

The Flagstone Team • Mar 20, 2024

"Birmingham’s middle class is struggling to pay the rent; here’s how one group wants to help" by Heather Gann

Originally published March 6, 2024 on Reprinted with permission.

Even if you’re in the middle class, you might find that sometimes your paycheck doesn’t stretch as far as you’d like.

You could, sometimes, find it a challenge to make ends meet. If you do, where do you go for help? The Flagstone Initiative, which was founded in 2021, targets one source of middle-class anxiety: paying the rent. The group partners with property managers throughout the Birmingham metro to lower eviction rates through various rental assistance programs.

In his Q&A with the Birmingham News Lede this week, co-founder Keith Pelczarski offered details on how the program works and how it can benefit the metro’s struggling middle class.

On your website, you talk about a group you refer to as the “missing middle.” Who is included in that group?

The missing middle, they’re the folks who are working, generally. They make too much to qualify for government assistance, but they’re still not making a lot of money. They’re struggling to make ends meet. A lot of folks who are working hourly jobs, that sort of thing. They make too much to get help from a lot of the resources that are available.

These are folks making between 40% to 90% of an area’s median income. In talking with folks and doing surveys and things, we found that even if we go above median income, people are still struggling with tight cash flow and limited savings.

There are a number of studies out there that suggest that somewhere in the neighborhood of 60% of folks in the United States are living paycheck to paycheck, and some of those people are considerably above the 100% level. And so, we saw that as a group that are trying hard, but they don’t have a lot of cushion. So, there’s tight cash flow, and often limited savings.

Also, there are a lot of national studies about savings that suggest that more than half the country has less than $400 saved. That’s not a lot when your car breaks down. Or if you’re working hourly and your kid gets sick, and you have to miss work in order to take care of them. You didn’t account for that loss of income, right? It’s not some moral failure on the part of the individual, it’s just sort of the way that our system is set up.

With these folks that are right on the edge, they’re just kind of one financial shock away from having a problem. Oftentimes, once you get into that, then that leads to other bad outcomes. There’s a lot of really costly credit solutions out there. There’s fines and penalties and things.

In the case of housing, if you get too far behind, you’re facing eviction notices. So, we thought, instead of waiting until the problem was big, we’d like to try to prevent that from happening in the first place.

These folks in the missing middle, their first [monthly] check oftentimes goes entirely to rent. There was a recent report from the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies. And they looked at rent burdens as part of their study. And I looked up the stats for Greater Birmingham.

The median renter household income [annually] is $33,000. But their median monthly housing costs are $1,060. And 53% of renter households are cost burdened, which they defined as being above 30% of their income goes to rent. A full 30.4% of renter households were severely cost burdened, which is like more than half of their income going to rent. That’s over 41,000 renter households in Greater Birmingham. There’s thousands of households out there that are spending more than half of their income on rent.

When rent comes around, their first check goes entirely to rent, and then there’s nothing left over for anything else. They have to get creative with stretching their money to put food on the table. If anything comes up, whether it’s a car breaking down, or any other sort of unexpected expenses, they don’t have a lot of options. And they don’t have a lot of savings either.

How does The Flagstone Initiative help with that?

We have two programs to try and address those two challenges of tight cash flow and limited savings. Rent splitting addresses tight cash flow, because it gives people a free option to pay half their rent on the first and half on the 15th. That way, they have a little bit of wiggle room, and they don’t have to figure out how to stretch the food across that time. They’ve got a little bit of money in their pocket to handle whatever comes up. The feedback that we’ve gotten from residents has been incredibly

positive about it.

We recognize that that’s not always going to be enough. If something comes up, we offer rent loans to residents at the properties that we partner with. Those are $500 no fee, no interest loans, and they go straight to rent so that people don’t fall behind. Because it’s super important, right? It’s connected to all sorts of other outcomes. Not just housing security, but food security and long-term outcomes for folks.

The Eviction Lab just came out with a really insightful report on the increase in mortality rates from people who experienced not just the eviction itself, but even the threat of eviction, or just an ongoing high rent burden. And the numbers are pretty staggering. Like it’s double digit increases in unexpected mortality for folks in those groups. So together these two programs help to prevent small problems from becoming big problems.

How can people access assistance from The Flagstone Initiative if they need it?

We work in partnership with particular housing providers [like Brick & Vine in Bessemer]. And we are basically just looking for folks who have some income. Because it’s [the rent loan] $20 a week for 25 weeks, so it’s exactly $500. It gets automatically transferred, like a Netflix subscription, or something like that. It just gets auto paid for 25 weeks.

So we work through property partners in order to reach residents. And then we kind of have some idea of what their rental history is, and that they’re not just chronically delinquent, but that they’re just having some tough times.

If their property offers rent splitting, we do the calculations and stuff. We send people emails saying, pay this much for the 1st, pay this much by the 15th, to kind of make it easier for them. So, people aren’t trying to do the math on it. Especially when there’s other charges for like, pet fees, or utilities, or whatever. We sort of tally all that up and make it clear to folks what they should be paying.

What we’re trying to do is get everybody to kind of come together and create this public/private partnership to try and develop programs like ours. We don’t think that this is the silver bullet that fixes everything, but we’re trying to get upstream of things and prevent small problems from becoming bigger ones.

We think that prevention is going to be cost effective, and just generally better for everyone. So, people could go to their property and say, you guys should talk to Flagstone. And then if we can get the property to offer our services then we can kind of work through that.

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By The Flagstone Team 26 Sep, 2023
The Flagstone Initiative News, September 2023 Greetings from your nonprofit Flagstone friends! For those of you just tuning in, The Flagstone Initiative is a nonprofit working to prevent eviction and homelessness. We focus on prevention because we believe that it’s way better to help people upstream rather than waiting until problems have piled up. We do this by improving financial stability for low- to moderate-income renters who are living paycheck to paycheck. Over the past year, we’ve seen very encouraging results from our ongoing demonstration projects with Rent Splitting and Rent Loans. Residents and housing owners/operators alike have recognized the benefits. Rent Splitting helps with tight cash flow. Most people get paid weekly or bi-weekly, and rent is by far their biggest expense. In recent surveys, over 80% of residents reported that most or all of their first check of the month goes to rent—”Rent eats first.” “Do I want to pay my rent, or do I want food in the house?” —J.S., Kentucky With Rent Splitting, residents can pay rent in two installments, which smooths cash flow and enables people to keep food on the table and stay current on their other bills. “I feel like if I didn't have rent split and I had to literally pay the whole thing and then pay bills, it would be a struggle to eat.” —S.G., Oklahoma Rent Loans help when life happens. We all experience small financial shocks from time to time—things like car repairs or missed hours due to illness. These common shocks can lead to bigger problems if you don’t have savings. Unfortunately, 60% of the residents we serve report having zero savings. “It can be the smallest thing. It can go from $200 today to the start of a real bad downfall.” -—E.M., Kentucky To help residents absorb these shocks, we offer $500 Rent Loans with no fees and no interest. Residents repay with automatic $20 weekly transfers for 25 weeks, spreading out the impact of the shock. The money is applied directly to rent, which helps avoid delinquency, late fees, and the specter of eviction. “I appreciate the loan, you know. It helped my family extremely. We wasn’t put outside for it, so it did good.” —J.S., Kentucky Rent Splitting and Rent Loans are more powerful together. For 60% of Americans who live paycheck-to-paycheck, tight cash flow and lack of savings to handle life’s little shocks are common problems. Rent Splitting and Rent Loans each do a good job of addressing one of these common problems. Rent Splitting helps with tight cash flow. Rent Loans help handle life’s little financial shocks. These two solutions complement each other and are a powerful combination for preventing people from falling behind on rent and other bills. “It’s juggling, sweetheart… I’ve been robbing Peter to pay Paul, and it’s been working until last month… I could handle things, but then the unexpected things came up.” —A.S., Chicago Together, the combination of Rent Splitting plus Rent Loans prevents small problems from becoming big problems like eviction and homelessness. We currently reach 2,500 residents of workforce/LIHTC housing in five states (AL, IL, KY, OK, and NY), and we’re adding more partners to extend our service to more struggling renters. Eventually, we want to offer these solutions nationwide, and change the way that Americans pay rent. How you can help: Please connect us with anyone who can help us scale our impact -- especially foundations and landlords. We are keen to grow and provide more help to more people! As always, we are sincerely grateful for the help and support we receive from our incredible network of partners and friends. We couldn’t do this without your help. Thank you for your support! The Flagstone Team Chip, Grace, Gregor, Keith, Shashank, and Shin
By The Flagstone Team 31 May, 2023
We are happy to announce that we will be bringing Rent Splitting to Greater Birmingham, Alabama. Support for this Rent Splitting Demonstration Project was provided by a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham. Rent Splitting smoothes out the biggest monthly expense for low-income households and better aligns with their paychecks, creating a stronger financial cushion throughout the month. This cushion will help them absorb small shocks like unexpected car repairs, medical bills, and reduced work hours, preventing a catastrophic downward spiral like eviction. This will increase the chance of maintaining families in secure, quality housing. People who are stably-housed likely consume fewer public resources, are healthier, and perform better on their jobs and in school. Rent Splitting is equivalent to a payday loan without any interest or fees. If adopted widely, it offers an alternative to predatory payday lending and could dramatically reduce the demand for this harmful financial product without the arduous legislative process for regulatory changes. We are very grateful for the support of the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham in helping renters improve their financial stability. If you are interested in working with The Flagstone Initiative to help workforce and affordable housing renters in your community, please contact us .
By The Flagstone Team 25 May, 2023
We’re going to the Big Apple! We’re bringing Rent Splitting to New York City in partnership with the NYU Furman Center and their Housing Solutions Lab , with the generous support of Robin Hood , New York City’s largest poverty-fighting organization. Working with the Housing Solutions Lab will take our understanding of the impact of Rent Splitting to the next level, and we’re excited to learn more and start helping low-income renters in New York City! Rent Splitting is a simple concept, enabling renters to pay the first half of rent on the 1st and second half on the 15th. But it is also a powerful financial stability tool for low-income renters to smooth out their biggest spending each month and better align with their paychecks. The power of it is not entirely surprising given that Rent Splitting is structurally equivalent to a payday loan without any interest or fees. Our not-for-profit Rent Splitting has neither credit requirements nor fees, which makes it even easier for residents to benefit. In the first year of our demonstration project in Oklahoma City, Rent Splitting has consistently shown 30%+ usage, and more importantly, 53% lower delinquency and 32% lower turnover rates for the users. Furthermore, in a survey of rent-splitting residents, 79% said that rent splitting reduced the need to borrow money to pay rent on time, and 88% said they could better handle unexpected expenses. High usage. High impact. A win-win for both residents and housing owner/operators. Affordable and workforce housing owner/operators in NYC who are interested in participating are encouraged to contact us .
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